•Palpate both shoulders
•Functional examination (3 screening maneuvers: hand over head to opposite ear, hands behind head, touch lower border of opposite scapula)
•Check for proximal muscle strength
•Test sense of pain or touch:at least 2 of 3 positions (upper arm, forearm, & hand) on each upper extremity bilaterally and symmetrically
•Barre`s upper limb test (test for drift of outstretched arms with eyes closed)
(5)腱反射[Deep Tendon Reflexes(The reflexes should be checked bilaterally and both sides com-pared.)]
•Biceps reflex
•Triceps reflex
•Brachioradialis reflex
•Rapid alternating movement
•Finger to nose test (with open eyes)
•Finger to nose test (with closed eyes)
•Expose the back correctly
•Palpate spinous processes one by one (check for scoliosis and tenderness)
•Test for percussion pain of spinal column one by one (or by indirect method)
•Test CVA for kidney tenderness by pressure and indirect fist percussion
•Palpate thoracic expansion and symmetry
•Have patient cross arms in front and touch opposite shoulder
•Percuss posterior lung fields
•Percuss posterior lung fields comparatively and symmetrically
•Measure diaphragmatic excursion
•Instruct the patient to breathe a little deeply with mouth open slightly
•Auscultate posterior lung fields
•Auscultate comparatively and symmetrically
•Vocal audible resonance
5、乳房(女性)[BREASTS (FEMALE)]
•Expose both breasts completely
•Inspect both breasts symmetrically in sitting position
•Inspect both breasts symmetrically with patient leaning forward
•Inspect both breasts symmetrically with arms raised above head
•Inspect both breasts symmetrically with hands on hips and squeeze
•Palpate patient`s right breast with pads of fingers of right hand, applying gentle pressure
•Palpate right breast in the 5 following areas;superinternal, superlateral, tail, inferinternal, inferlateral (at least 4 of 5 parts of the breast should be palpated)
•Palpate nipples, areola, attempt to express discharge from nipple
•Palpate patient`s left breast with pad of fingers and palm, applying gentle pressure.
•Palpate left breast in the folloing areas:superinternal, superlateral, tail, inferinternal, inferlateral.
•Palpate nipples, areola, attempt to express discharge from nipple.
•Teach patient breast self-examination.
Axillary Examinaton
•Inspect the patient`s right axilla.
•Palpate chains of lymph nodes on right:top , medial, anterior, posterior, lateral
•Inspects patients left axilla
•Palpate chains of lymph nodes on left: tcp, medial, anterior, posterior, lateral.