Moxa cones
艾卷灸 Moxa rolls.
艾条灸 |
Roll the moxa wool with a sheet of paper into a moxa stick, apply a burning moxa stick with a certain distance apart over the selected point. There are two kinds of method: mild-warm moxibustion and sparrow-pecking moxibustion. |
温和灸 将艾条的一端点燃后,距施灸部位皮肤约2-3厘米处进行熏灸,使患者局部产生温热感而无灼痛为宜,一般每穴施灸15分钟左右,以皮肤潮红为度。本法适用于一切需要艾灸的病症。医.学.全.在线.网.站.提供 |
Mild-Warm Moxibustion Ignite a moxa stick at its one end and place it two to three centimeters away over the site to bring a mild warmth to the local place, but not burning, for some fifteen minutes until the skin becomes slightly red. It is suitable for all the syndromes indicated by moxibustion. | ||||
雀啄灸 本法施术时将艾条燃着的一端,对准皮肤施灸处一上一下如小鸟啄食一样地施灸。另外也可均匀地上、下或左右方向移动或作反复地旋转施灸。本法多用于治疗肢体麻痛者。
"Sparrow-Pecking" Moxibustion In this method, the ignited moxa stick is moved up and down over the point like a bird pecking or moving left and right, or circularly. It is indicated for numbness and pain of the limbs. |