主症 泄泻清稀,腹痛肠鸣,喜温畏冷,口不渴,舌淡苔白,脉多沉迟。 | Main Manifestations Watery diarrhea, or remaining food, abdominal pain and borborygmi, chillness which responds to warmth, absence of thirst, pale tongue, white tongue coating, deep, slow pulse. |
主症 腹痛即泻,泻下黄糜热臭,肛门灼热,小便短赤,或兼身热,口渴等症,舌苔黄腻,脉象滑数。 | Main Manifestations Diarrhea with abdominal pain, yellow, hot and fetid stods, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine or accompanied by general feeling of fever, thirst, yellow, sticky tongue coating, rolling and rapid pulse. |
主症 泻下粪便臭如败卵,腹痛肠鸣,泻后痛减,脘腹痞满,嗳气不欲食,舌苔垢浊,脉象滑数或弦。 | Main Manifestations Fetid stools smells like rotten eggs, abdominal pain, borborygmi, abdominal pain relieved after bowel movements, epigastric and abdominal fullness and distention, belching, anorexia, thick, filthy tongue coating, rolling rapid or string-tant pulse. |
治法 取足阳明经穴为主。寒湿症针灸并用(或隔姜灸)以温中利湿;湿热证针刺用泻法,以清热利湿;饮食所伤,针刺用泻法,以调中消导。 | Treatment The points of Stomach Meridian are selected as the principal points. Both acupuncture and indirect moxibustion with ginger are applied for cold dampness to warm the stomach and resolve dampness. Reducing manipulation is used to eliminate heat and dampness. Reducing manipulation is applied for retention of food to regulate the function of the spleen and stomach and remove stagnation. |
处方 天枢,足三里。 | Prescription Tianshu (ST25), Zusanli (ST36) | |||
随证配穴 寒湿:加中脘、关元; 湿热:曲池、阴陵泉; 饮食所伤:内关、梁门 |
Additional Points Add Zhongwan (CV12) and Guanyuan (CV4) for cold-dampness. Add Quchi (LI11) and Yinlingquan (SP9) for damp-heat. Add Neiguan (PC6) and Liangmen (ST21) for retention of food. |
主症 大便溏薄,甚则完谷不化,不思饮食,食后脘闷不舒,面色萎黄,神疲倦怠,舌淡苔白,脉弱无力。 | Main Manifestations Loose stool, undigested food due to severe case, anorexia, epigastric distress after eating, sallow complexion, lassitude, pale tongue, white tongue coating, thready, forceless pulse. 医学.全在线www.med126.com |
主症 每天黎明之前即泻,肠鸣腹痛,泻后则安,腹部凉,时有腹胀,下肢不温,舌淡苔白,脉沉细无力。 | Main Manifestations Diarrhea usually occurs at dawn, abdominal pain and borborygmi may be relieved after bowel movement, symptoms aggravated by cold, abdominal distension sometimes, cold lower limbs, pale tongue, white tongue coating, deep, forceless pulse. |
治法 取任脉,及脾胃经穴为主。针用补法及灸法,以温补脾肾,固肠止泻。 | Treatment The points of Stomach, Spleen Meridians, Conception and Governor Vessels are selected as principal points with the reinforcing manipulation and moxibustion to warm and reinforce the kidney-Yang, the function of intestines and stop diarrhea. |
处方 中脘、天枢、关元、足三里、地机 | Prescription Zhongwan(CV12) , Tianshu(ST25), Guanyuan(CV4), Zusanli(ST36), Diji(SP8) | |||
随证配穴 脾虚:脾俞、太白; 肾虚:肾俞、太溪。 |
Additional Points Pishu(BL20) and Taibai(SP3) are applied for deficiency of spleen, Shenshu (BL23) and Taixi(KI3) for deficiency of kidney. |