主症 多在经前即开始小腹疼痛。如小腹胀痛,经行不畅,量少,色紫暗有块,血块排出后腹痛减轻,胸胁乳房作胀,舌边尖紫,或舌边有瘀点,脉沉弦者,为气滞血瘀证;如少腹冷痛,痛连腰脊,得热则缓,经行量少,色黯有块,苔白腻,脉沉紧者,为寒湿凝滞证。
Main Manifestations Lower abdominal pain occurs prior to the menstrual period. In the condition of Qi an blood stagnation, there appear distending pain in lower abdomen, small quanity of impeded dark purkle bleeding associated with clots, the discharge of which relieves of pain, distention in costal region, and breast, purplish tip and sides of tongue or purplish spots on the sides, and deep wiry pulse. If the stagnation is due to the cold and dampness, cold pain in lower abdomen radiating to the back and being relieved by warmth. Scanty dark bleeding associated with clots, white sticky tongue coating, and deep tense pulse are present.
治法 取任脉,足太阳经穴为主。针用泻法、寒证针灸并用。
Treatment Points of Conception Vessel and Spleen Meridian are principally prescribed and punctured with reducing technique. Moxibustion is combined to cold syndrome.
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处方 中极 次髎 合谷 血海 地机 太冲
Prescription Zhongji (CV 3), Ciliao (BL 32), Hegu(LI 4), Xuehai (SP 10), Diji(SP 8) and Taichong (LR 3). |
主症 多在经行末期或经净之后,小腹疼痛,痛势绵绵,喜暖喜按,经色淡而量少,质清稀,甚者见形寒怕冷,面色苍白,心悸,头晕等证,脉细无力。
Main Manifestations At the end of or after the menstruation, dull pain appears in the lower abdomen, which is relieved by warmth and pressure and associated with scanty light red and thin bleeding, forceless thready pulse. In a severe case, aversion to cold, chills, pallor, palpitation, and dizziness can be found. 医学.全在线www.med126.com
治法 取任脉、背俞穴为主。毫针刺用补法,并灸。
Treatment Points of Conception Vessel and the Back-(shu ) points of spleen and kidney are mainly prescribed. Reinforcing technique with filiform needles is applied and moxibustion likewise.
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处方 关元 脾俞 肾俞 足三里 三阴交
Prescription Guanyuan (CV 4), Pishu (BL 20), Shenshu (BL 23), Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyijiao (SP 6). |