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 医学全在线 > 精品课程 > 人体寄生虫学 > 河北医科大学 > 正文
医学寄生虫学-电子教材(人体寄生虫 第六版)第一章 引言:第四节 寄生虫学的研究与发展方向
来源:河北医科大学 更新:2013/10/15 字体:

第四节    寄生虫学的研究与发展方向

当前寄生虫学正处于一个从传统寄生虫学向现代寄生虫学过渡的知识更新时期,由于生物化学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、分子遗传学、免疫学、生态学等学科的发展,寄生虫学的学科内容也在不断得到www.med126.com/rencai/充实和更新,出现了免疫寄生虫学(immunoparasitology)和分子寄生虫学(molecular parasitology)等新的学科分支,利用现代科学技术知识丰富和发展寄生虫学是当前仍至今后相当长一段时间的重要任务。


TDR Strategy 2000-2005 document

Major Strategic Directions

·   Greater interaction with disease control - new focus on implementation research
TDR will act as a bridge between research potential and the realities of implementing country level control programmes, and make a determined effort to work in the overlapping area between research and control in order to get its "products" (tools, knowledge or skills) into policy and practice more quickly. Implementation research represents a major new thrust of TDR"s work.

·   Maximizing the potential of new science and technology opportunities
TDR will fully explore the new opportunities provided by advances in science and technology - such as genomics, bioinformatics and high-throughput screening - which open new ways for accelerated discovery of new drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, as well as new perspectives for vector control.

·   Promoting public-private partnerships
TDR aims to strengthen and promote interactions with the private sector.

·   Renewed emphasis on social, economic and behavioural research
Social, economic and behavioural research aims to increase understanding of how social, behavioural, political, economic and health system factors operate to affect disease patterns and disease control efforts. 

·   Greater involvement of researchers and institutions from disease-endemic countries
TDR will aim to achieve a greater involvement of researchers and institutions from disease-endemic countries in all areas of research and development, and place high emphasis on capacity strengthening based on selected research activities .

·   Intensive use of new information and communications technologies
To reach target audiences worldwide, TDR will strengthen its communications capacity using the latest and most appropriate technology, whilst supporting researchers from least developed countries to keep up with the pace of the information technology revolution.


 中西医结合妇科学讲稿:第五节  糖尿病
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