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来源:医学全在线 更新:2008/10/7 字体:





A fracture is a disruption or break in the continuity of the structure of a bone. Traumatic injuries account for the majority of fractures, although some fractures are secondary to a disease process (pathologic fractures). Fractures are described and classified according to (1) type, (2) communication or noncommunication with the external environment, and (3) location.


Fractures are also described as stable or unstable. A stable fracture occurs when some of the periosteum is intact across the fracture and either external or internal fixation has rendered the fragments stationary. Stable fractures are usually transverse, spiral, or greenstick. An unstable fracture is grossly displaced during injury and is a site of poor fixation. Unstable fractures are usually comminuted or oblique.


Clinical Manifestations


The patient's history indicates an injury often associated with immediate localized pain, decreased function, and inability to use the affected part. The patient guards and protects the part against movement. The fracture may not be accompanied by obvious bone deformity.


Manifestations include edema and swelling, pain and tenderness, muscle spasm, deformity, ecchymosis, loss of function, and crepitation.




The majority of fractures heal without complications. If death occurs after a fracture, it is usually the result of damage to underlying organs and soft tissue or of certain complications of the fracture.


The ossification process is arrested by causes such as inadequate immobilization and reduction, excess movement, infection, and poor nutrition.


Direct complications of fractures include problems with bone union, avascular necrosis, and bone infection. Indirect complications are associated with blood vessel and nerve damage resulting in conditions such as compartment syndrome, venous thrombosis, fat embolism, and traumatic or hypovolemic shock.


Although most musculoskeletal injuries are not life-threatening, open fractures or fractures accompanied by severe blood loss and fractures that damage vital organs are medical emergencies requiring immediate attention.


Diagnostic Studies


An x-ray examination is used to determine the presence of a fracture.


Therapeutic Management of Fractures


The goals of fracture treatment are (1) anatomic realignment of bone fragments, (2) immobilization to maintain realignment, and (3) restoration of function of the part.医学 全在.线提供www.med126.com


Nursing Management




The patient with a fracture will have no associated complications, obtain satisfactory pain relief, and achieve maximal rehabilitation potential.


Nursing Diagnoses/Collaborative Problems


Pain related to edema, movement of bone fragments, and muscle spasms

疼痛 与浮肿、骨折片移动和肌痉挛有关

Risk f'or infection related to disruption of skin integrity and presence of environmental pathogens secondary to open fracture or external fixation pins

有感染危险 与皮肤完全性受损及继发于开放性骨折或外固定引起的外界病菌有关

Activity intolerance related to prolonged immobility

活动耐受不良 与长期不能运动有关

Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction related to nerve compression

有外周神经血管功能障碍危险 与神经压迫有关

Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility and presence of cast

有皮肤完整性受损危险 与固定和打石膏有关

Ineffective management of therapeutic regimen related to lack of knowledge regarding muscle atrophy, exercise program, and cast care

治疗处理无效 与肌肉萎缩、运动计划和石膏护理知识缺乏有关

Potential complication: fat embolism related to fracture of a long bone

潜在并发症:脂肪栓塞 与长骨骨折有关 医学 全在.线提供

Nursing Interventions


The patient with a fracture may be treated in an emergency department or physician's office and released to home care, or the patient may require hospitalization. Specific nursing measures depend on the type of treatment used and the setting in which the patient is placed.


Preoperative management. If surgical intervention is required to treat the fracture, the patient will need preoperative preparation. In addition to the usual preoperative nursing measures, the nurse should inform the patient of the type of immobilization device to be used and expected activity limitations.


Proper skin preparation is an important part of preoperative preparation. The aim of skin preparation is to clean the skin and remove debris and hair to reduce the possibility of infection.


The patient must be assured that all needs will be met by the nursing staff until the patient can again meet his/her own needs Assurance that pain medication will be available if needed is often beneficial.


Postoperative management. Frequent neurovascular assessments of the affected extremity are necessary to detect subtle changes. Any limitations of movement or activity related to turning, positioning, and extremity support should be monitored closely


Pain and discomfort can be minimized through proper alignment and positioning.


Dressings or casts should be carefully observed for any covert signs of bleeding or drainage. Increased bleeding can be monitored by drawing a circle on the cast around an area of drainage and by noting the date and time. A significant increase in the size of the drainage area should be reported.


If a wound-drainage system is in place, patency of the system and volume of drainage should be assessed at least once each shift. Whenever the contents of a drainage system are measured or emptied, the nurse should use sterile technique to avoid contamination.


If the patient is immobilized as a result of the fracture, the nurse must plan care to prevent constipation and renal calculi.


Constipation can be prevented by maintenance of a high fluid intake and a diet high in bulk and roughage. If these measures are not effective in maintaining the patient's normal bowel pattern, stool softeners, laxatives, or suppositories may be necessary. Maintaining a regular time for elimination despite bed rest is effective in promoting regularity.


Renal calculi can develop as a result of bone demineralization caused by immobilization. Unless contraindicated, a fluid intake of 2100 to 2800 ml/day is recommended. Cranberry juice is often recommended to acidify the urine and discourage development of stones.

卧床造成骨头矿物质脱落,最终出现肾结石。因此,除禁忌者外,应建议每天摄取2100-2800 ml的液体。桔子汁可以酸化尿液,阻碍结石的形成。

Rapid deconditioning of the circulatory system can occur as a result of bed rest. These effects can be diminished by permitting the patient to sit on the side of the bed, allowing the lower limbs to dangle over the bedside, and performing standing transfers (unless these measures are contraindicated).


When the patient is allowed to increase activity, careful evaluation should be made to assess for orthostatic hypotension.


Patient Teaching


Because a fracture often is cast in an outpatient setting, the patient may require only a short hospitalization or none at all. Therefore patient education is an important nursing responsibility to prevent complications. In addition to giving specific instructions for cast care and recognition of complications, the nurse should encourage the patient to contact the clinic or care provider if questions arise. The nurse should validate patient understanding of these instructions before discharge from the clinic or hospital.


手少阴心经重点穴:阴郄(心经6) Yinxi(HT6)
手厥阴心包经重点穴:大陵(心包经7) Daling
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