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 医学全在线 > 精品课程 > 耳鼻咽喉 > 泸州医学院 > 正文
来源:泸州医学院 更新:2013/9/29 字体:





 现代耳鼻咽喉科学 王正敏,陆书昌 人民军医出版社(北京)  2001
 鼻内窥镜科学 韩德民 人民卫生出版社(北京)  2001
  鼻微创科学 吴建,孙爱华 人民卫生出版社(北京)  2001
 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合症 殷善开,易红良,曹振宇 科学技术文献出版社  2006
 耳鼻咽喉科全书:咽科学 胡雨田 上海科学技术出版社第2版  2000
 实用耳鼻咽喉科学 黄选兆,旺吉宝 人民卫生出版社(北京)  1998
 鼻咽癌临床与实验研究 李振权,潘启超,陈剑经 广东科技出版社  1983
 喉科学 吴学愚 上海科学技术出版社  2000
 电子喉镜和纤维喉镜诊断治疗学 周水淼 第二军医大学出版社(上海)  2002
 颈部疾病学 彭勇炎,肖建云 上海科学技术出版社  2002
 使用皮肤性病学手册 罗汉超, 陈德宇 四川科学技术出版社(成都)  1999
 现代皮肤性病学 吴志华 广州人民出版社 


  2005年中国艾滋病疫情与防治工作进展 中华人民共和国卫生部,联合国艾滋病规划署,世界卫生组织  2006
 中华职业医学 何风生 人民卫生出版社(北京)  1999
 耳鼻咽喉科学全书-鼻科学 卜国铉 上海科学技术出版社  2000



 an analysis of tumor control, complication, and hearing preservation rates Mathieu D, Kondziolka D, Flickinger JC, et al Neurosurgy 2007,60:460-468
 single-institution experience at the Princess Margaret Hospital Koh ES, Millar BA, Menard C, et al Cancer 2007,109;1203-1210
 鼻内窥镜外科技术及其延伸 韩德民 中华耳鼻喉科杂志 1999
 鼻窦疾病的诊断和治疗 赵长青,李泽卿,主译;韩德民,主审 中国医药科技出版社 2006,197-221
 The influences of the Size of the Maxillary Sinus Ostium on the Nasal and Sinus Nitric Oxide Levels Kirihene Rk, Rees G, Wormald PJ American J Rhinolgy 

2002, 16: 261-264

 Evaluation of Epstein-Barr virus antigen-based immunoassays serologic diagnosis nasopharyngeal carcinoma Tang JW, Rohwader E, chu IM, et al J Clin Virol 2007: 40: 284-288
 target delineation,therpy delivery and stereotactic boost procedures with intensity-modulate/image-guided radiation therapy  Le QT 

Front Radiat Ther

2007, 40: 208-231
 喉镜手术及颈清扫术命名建议 屠规益 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志 2003,38:75-77
  Management of esophagogastric corrosive injures in children Erdogan E, Eroglu E, tekant G Eur J Pediatr Surg 2003, 13: 289-293
 螺旋CT对支气管异物和狭窄的诊断价值 于淑靖,吴焕阁,马长清 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 


 Rapid adaptation of the 2f1-f2 DPOAE in humans: binaurai and constralateral stimulation effects Bassim MK, Miller Rl, Buss E, et al Hear res 2003, 182: 140-152
  Use of ABR threshold and OAEs in dectection of noise induced hearing loss Fraenkel R, Freeman S, Sohmer H J Basic Cin physol pharmacol 2003, 14: 95-118
 Aeration following intact canal wall mastoidectomy Vrabec JT, Champion SW, Johnson RF jr, et al Ann Otol Rhino Laryngol 

 2003, 112 (9 pt 1) : 801-806

 a promising new technique for laryn-geal papillomata Timms MS,Bruce La, Patel NK J laryngeal Otolgy 2007, 121: 28-30
 Outcomes of cochlear implantation in children with auditory neuropath  Perterson A, Shallop J, Driscoll C, et al J Am Acad Audiol 2003, 14: 188-201
 Implantable hearing devices Marzo SJ ORL Head Nurs 2003, 21: 22-25
 中耳手术中的面神经定位 迟放鲁,王璟,袁雅生,等 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 2006,41:5-8
 先天性外耳道闭锁 韩东一,杨伟炎,王大君,等中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志 


 Laukli E. Stapes surgery: outcome evalucation Myrvoll TA, Stenlev NC Adv Otorhinolaryngol 

2007, 65, 340-342

 Changes in treatment of adavanced laryngeal cancer 1985-2001 Chen Ay, Schraq N, Hao Y,er al Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2006, 135: 831-837
 analysis of 267 cases Sevilla Ma Eur Arch Otorhino laryngol 2008. 265: 11-165
  predictive factors for complication Zaytoun GM, Rouadi PW, Baki DH Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000, 123: 311-316
 Esophagoscopy for removal of bodies in the pediatric population Shihar SY, Stabbing RJ, Madgy DN Int J Peadiatr Lotorhinolaryngol 

2003, 67: 977-999

 Treatment of caustic ingestion:an analysis of 239 cases Manede RC, De Mello Filho FV Dis Esophagus 2002, 15: 210-213
 Patients lives following stapedectomy complications Guyot JP, Sakbani K Adv Otorhinolaryngol 

2007, 65, 348-352

 梅尼埃病的诊断依据和疗效评估 中华耳鼻喉头颈外科杂志编辑委员会、中华医学会耳鼻咽喉科学会 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 2007,42: 163-459
  Hearing outcome after concurrent endolymphatic shunt and vestibular nerve secting Moody-Antonio S, House JW  Otol Neuroto 

2003, 24: 453-459

 Will they catch up? The role of age at cochlear implantation in the spoken language development of children with severe to profound hearing loss Nicholas JG, Greers AE  J Speech Lang Hear Res 2007, 50: 1048-1062
 Neurogenic tumors of the neck Webr AL, Montandon C, Robson CD Radiol Clin North Am 

2000, 38: 1077-190

 Cervical lymphadenitis due to non tuberculous mycobacteria: surgical treatment and review Flint D, Mahadevan M, Barber C, et al Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2000, 53: 187-194
 Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to carotid body tumor:Review of 24 patients Muhm M, Polterauer P, Gstotter W, et al Arch surgy 

1997, 132: 279-284

 Cervical lymphadenitis due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria: surgical treatment an review Flint D,Mahadevan M, Barber C, et al Int J Pediatr Otwww.med126.com/rencai/orhinolaryngol 2000, 53: 187-194
  Risk factors for symptomatic otic and sinus barotraumas in mulitiplace hyperbaric chamber Fitzpatrick DT, F ranck BA, Mason KT, et al 

 Undersea Hyperb MED

 1999, 26: 243-247
 Guidelines on the diagnosis of noise-induced hearing loss for medicolegel purposes Coles RR, Lutman ME, Buffin JT  Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 

 2000, 25: 264-273

 Changes in tachykinin-ergiwww.med126.com/yaoshi/c nerve terminal densities in rat nasal mucosa during hypersensitivity Zhao Chang-Qing, Tao Zheng-De, Xiao Jian-Yun, et al  Chinese Medical Journal 1997, 11: 134-138



