针刺的角度与深度 Angle and Depth of Insertion.
直刺:将针体垂直,与腧穴的皮肤表面呈90度角刺入,全身的腧穴大多可以直刺。 |
Perpendicular: In this method, the needle is inserted perpendicularly, forming a 90 degree angle with the skin. Most points on the body can be punctured in this way. | |||||
斜刺:针身与腧穴的皮肤表面呈45度角左右倾斜刺入,适用于肌肉较薄或穴下有重要脏器不宜深刺的部位。如胸、背部。 |
Oblique: The needle is inserted obliquely to form on angle of approximately 45 degree with the skin, suitable for the points where the muscle is thin or close to the important viscera. Points on the chest and back are often needled in this way. | |||||
Horizontal (also known as transverse insertion): The needle is inserted horizontally to form a 15-25 degree angle with the skin. This method is commonly used in the places where the muscle is thinnish.
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② 针刺的深度:指针身刺入皮肉的深浅。以既有针感又不伤及重要脏器为原则。多根据体质、部位、病情而决定。如年老气血虚弱,小儿娇嫩之体、形体瘦弱以及头面、背部等宜浅刺;青壮年体质强壮或形体肥胖者,以及四肢臀腹部可适当深刺。
2. Depth of Needle Insertion |