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来源:医学全在线 更新:2008/10/7 字体:

He was admitted on Oct. 16, 1952 to undergo a partial thoracoplasty for pulmonary
-在8月3日黄昏 on the evening of Aug. 3
-去年11月 in Nov. last;last Nov.
-在前几个月当中 during the past couple of months
-在上月初(月中、月底) at the beginning (middle, end) of last month
-每隔一天 every other day;on alternate days;every two days
-每隔二天 at intervals of 2 days;every 3rd day
-连续5天 for 5 consecutive days
-几乎一个月 for nearly a month
-足足的一个月 for a full month
-期间不详 for an unknown length of time
-期间不明确 for an indefinite period
-次2夜 the 2 succeeding nights
-前一夜 the preceding (previous) night
-住院 enter (be admitted to ) hospital;entering (admission to ) hospital;go (be taken ) to hospital
-住院时 at the time of one's admission to the hospital
-10年前因治疗肺炎而住院 be hospitalized 10 years ago for treatment of pneumonia
-出院 leave hospital;be out of hospital; be discharged (dismissed) from hospital
In 1960 he experienced stomach trouble from which he recovered completely after being treated in a hospital for 16 days.
-彻底医治 cure (a disease) completely (radically) ;effect a radical cure
-作许多种治疗 try many treatments (for)
-忽视肿瘤,并且不接受治疗 ignore the tumor and refuse treatment
-在家里接受治疗 have domiciliary treatment
-述说过去一再使用盘尼西林治疗淋病 give a history of repeated treatments with penicillin for gono in the past.
-自医 try (doctor) oneself;try home treatment
-服用抗高血压药剂 receive antihypertensive drugs
-使~服抗结刻剂 put one on antituberculosis drugs before one goes surgery
-替~打一支盘尼西林 give one a shot of penicillin
-经过顺利 have an uncomplicated course
-开刀后经过顺利、满意、不顺、(不)良 postoperative course was uneventful,satisfactory, stormy, (un)favorable -become convalescent
ex1:He did not receive any specific therapy but was treated symptomatically.
ex2:Past history revealed an episode of gonorrhea in 1957 which was successfully treated by antibiotics.

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